Where can I read Warriors books for free?
Warrior spirit – Home. Welcome to the Warrior cats book site. Here, you can read the warrior cat books for free, available for download from “Dawn of the Clans” to “Vision of Shadows”.
How many Warrior books are there 2020?
There are over 60 books in the Warriors series! This includes the original six-book Warriors series, and four other spinoffs: Power of Three, The New Prophecy, Omen of the Stars, and Dawn of the Clans, as well as stand-alone guides, special editions, and manga.
Is Erin Hunter still making Warriors books?
Published by HarperCollins, the series is written by authors Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui T. Sutherland under the collective pseudonym Erin Hunter. The sixth sub-series, A Vision of Shadows, was published from 2016 to 2018 and chronologically continues where Omen of the Stars left off.
Who gave firestar the prophecy?
This book is also the origin of the prophecy “There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.” The prophecy was passed on to Firestar by Skywatcher.
Who wrote Bluestar’s Prophecy?
Erin HunterBluestar’s Prophecy / Author
Did Tui T Sutherland write Warriors?
Biography. Tui T. In the genre of romance, Sutherland writes under the name of Tamara Summers on topics such as humor and romantic vampire murder mysteries. She now writes the Warriors series along with Kate Cary, Victoria Holmes, and Cherith Baldry under the pen name of Erin Hunter.
How did Firestar lose nine lives?
Firestar became mates with Sandstorm, and they went on a journey to rebuild SkyClan. Firestar, as the fourth cat in the prophecy, fought in the Great Battle and lost his final life due to wounds. He went to StarClan, and gave Bramblestar one of his nine lives.
What is the new warrior prophecy?
WARRIORS: THE NEW PROPHECY: TWILIGHT 257 with soft paws. On the other side of the clearing, Sandstorm slid out of the warriors’ den, calling to Cloudtail and Dustpelt for a hunting patrol; the three cats loped across the clearing and out through the tunnel, waving their tails at Squirrelflight and Cinderpelt as they passed.
What is the New Prophecy of Twilight 7?
WARRIORS: THE NEW PROPHECY: TWILIGHT 7 guessed he wouldn’t look so confident if he needed to warn them about more trouble. The cats gathered in the clearing below him. Mousefur and Goldenflower emerged one after the other from the el- ders’ den; Goldenflower was guiding blind Longtail behind her, the tip of her tail resting on his shoulder.
How would you describe Twilight 123 in the New Warriors?
WARRIORS: THE NEW PROPHECY: TWILIGHT 123 tugged at her paws, almost making her flee in blind terror through the shadows, but she made herself pace slowly for- ward, looking from side to side in an effort to find out where she was and what message StarClan had for her.
What is the New Warriors proposal?
WARRIORS: THE NEW PROPHECY: TWILIGHT 37 creature could not be allowed to make a home in their terri- tory, or no cat would be safe, from the youngest kits to the most battle-hardy warriors. She scrambled to her feet in time to see Brambleclaw swipe his claws down the badger’s shoulder.