What is the meaning of suffixes able?
adjective suffix. variants: or less commonly -ible. Definition of -able (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : capable of, fit for, or worthy of (being so acted upon or toward) —chiefly in adjectives derived from verbs breakablecollectible. 2 : tending, given, or liable to agreeable perishable.
What is the prefix of Able?
Some prefixes that can be added to the word able are: un- to make the word unable, which means not able to do something. en- to make the word enable,…
How do I add Able?
You can add the -able to words in the same way you add other suffixes. When a word ends in just one consonant, you should double that consonant before adding -able. For example, regret would become regrettable. As an exception, you shouldn’t double the consonant X.
Is able a noun suffix?
able is an adjective that usually comes after some form of be, ably is an adverb, ability is a noun:John is able to run fast.
What is the meaning of the suffix able?
The suffix “able” generally means capable of, susceptible of or fit for. Here are a few commonly used words which have suffix able. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students. Account + able = accountable.
What are words with the suffix-able?
Adjectives with the suffix “-able” This morpheme tends to mean ” capable of, or worthy of “. Some of the most representative words that include it are: honorable, predictable. It’s typically applied to adjectives.
What are some words that end in able?
16-letter words that end in able. inextinguishable. unimpressionable. improportionable. nonvolatilisable. misinterpretable. unextinguishable.
What is the meaning of the morpheme capable?
This morpheme tends to mean ” capable of, or worthy of “. Some of the most representative words that include it are: honorable, predictable. It’s typically applied to adjectives.