What is otitis media?
Otitis media is an infection of the air space behind the eardrum, which we call the middle ear. It is one of the most common illnesses of childhood, but may affects persons of any age.
What are the possible complications of otitis media?
Complications of otitis media. There are many negative consequences of recurrent or severe middle ear infections or persistent Eustachian tube dysfunction, including damage to the middle ear (eardrum and hearing bones), damage to the inner ear, and even damage to the brain.
How does a child’s physician diagnose otitis media?
How Does a Child’s Physician Diagnose Otitis Media? The simplest way to detect an active infection in the middle ear is to look in the child’s ear with an otoscope, a light instrument that allows the physician to examine the outer ear and the eardrum. Inflammation of the eardrum indicates an infection.
What is the rate of incidence for otitis media?
Seventy-five percent of children experience at least one episode of otitis media by their third birthday. Almost half of these children will have three or more ear infections during their first 3 years. It is estimated that medical costs and lost wages because of otitis media amount to $5 billion* a year in the United States.