What is Mhunga?
Millets are a great source of starch, making it a high-energy food. It is also an excellent source of protein and fiber. It is said that the amino acids in the pearl millet are more easily digestible than the ones found in wheat.
What is rukweza in English?
your finger millet (plural) rukweza rwake. his/her finger millet.
What is Sorghum in Ndebele?
It is known as Sorghum in English, Mabêlê in Setswana, Mapfunde in ChiShona, Amazimba in IsiXhosa and Amabele in Ndebele – to give but a few of its names. Sorghum is also gluten-free.
What are the benefits of Rapoko?
Finger millet consumption helps in relaxing body naturally. It is beneficial in conditions of anxiety, depression and insomnia. It is also useful for migraines. Green ragi (finger millet) is recommended for conditions of blood pressure, liver disorders, asthma and heart weakness.
What is the English name for Mapfunde?
Rapoko/ finger millet is Rukweza. This is Millet or Mhunga in Shona For the sake of others, Finger millet is rapoko or rukweza where as Sorghum is mapfunde.
How good is millet for you?
Millet is rich in dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber in millet is known as a “prebiotic,” which means it supports good bacteria in your digestive system. This type of fiber is also important for adding bulk to stools, which helps keep you regular and reduces your risk of colon cancer.
What is Rapoko English?
Rapoko grass (English) Rapoko grass also known as goose grass is an annual, tufted herbaceous grass, which can be erect to about 40 cm tall.
What is millet in Ndebele?
Local name for Pearl millet in Ndebele language (Zimbabwe) Injera. Flat bread made from teff or sorghum. Its a common dish in Ethiopia made by mixing the flour with water and cooking it in circular griddle after fermentation. Jand.
What is Rapoko in Ndebele?
Common name: Finger millet/Rapoko. Scientific name: Eleusine coracana. Shona name: Zviyo, Rukweza. Ndebele name: Uphoko.
Is sorghum a Mabele?
Sorghum is also known as Mabele thoro, Amazinba and Amabele. It is a tall growing grassy plant with flat leaves (like maize) and produces grains in a grass-like plume.
Is rapoko a man made ceramic?
There is a man made ceramic product, also called Steatite, which uses the natural Rapoko stone as one of its raw materials but has no other connection to the skillful efforts of talented Shona and other African artists.
What is rapoko/steatite?
Over 10 million years old, Rapoko is a natural mineral, prized since ancient times for its durability, workability, beautiful character and ability to retain and radiate heat and resist chemicals. Native cultures, the world over, have carved Rapoko/Steatite into vessels, art objects, memorial and cultural items.
What is Shona art sculpture?
The Shona art sculpture of Zimbabwe combines the wonderful varieties presented by the stone with images drawn both from reality and abstract symbolism. Figures like the rhinoman illustrated here are almost, but not quite either an animal or human form. Some Varieties of Stone Used to Create Shona Art Carvings and African Sculptures