What CFM is a Autolite 4100?
In fact, the 4100, depending on how you size it, offers the same performance features (and power) as a comparable Holley 4160. In other words, a 600-cfm Autolite 4100 will deliver roughly the same performance as a Holley of the same size.
What happens if your main jet is too big?
Typical Lean Conditions: (A too-large main jet also mimics this symptom.) – The engine runs hot, knocks, pings and overheats. – The engine surges or hunts when cruising at part-throttle. – Popping or spitting through the carb occurs when the throttle is opened.
What happens if my pilot jet is too small?
If the bike surges or hunts, the pilot jet is probably too small (lean). Other indications that the pilot circuit is lean are popping or spitting through the carburetor when the throttle is opened and popping or backfiring through the exhaust when the throttle is shut.
How do I know what size pilot jet I need?
How do you tell if your pilot jet is too lean, rich, or just right? The pilot jet is sized correctly if the fuel screw setting falls between 2.5-3 turns out. The pilot jet is sized correctly if the air screw setting falls between 1-2 turns out, with 1.5 being the sweet spot.
Will a Holley 4100 jet fit a 4100 carb?
Since about 1963 Holley jets will NOT fit a 4100/2100 without some sort of adapter. The later 4100, i.e. Mustang era carb, uses now hard to find jets marked with an ‘F’ after the size number. See the recent thread about where to buy 2100 jets since they are identical jets. Everything else inside is in a $17 carb kit from AutoZone.
How do I order an Autolite?
These are ordered by size .048, .058, etc. You will find the current jet number stamped on the top of the jet. Order by selecting the jet size from the drop down list. Price is per jet. These are 5/16″ on the threaded end. Some of the older 2100 & 4100 Autolites are much smaller.
What size jets for a 4100?
The primary jets are 52 and secondary are 68. This might help you to get a base line. As an FYI, Holley jets, accelerator pump diaphrams, and power valves all fit your 4100. Its a 600 cfm, 1.12″ butterflies.
What is the size of a Holley jet?
These jet sizes assume 0-5000 feet in elevation. For 5000-10000 reduce by 2, for 10000-15000 reduce by 4. Some Holley jets were marked using 3 digits. Example 630 would equate to .063 in our list. Also fits these Holley carburetors.