How do you reverse metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
A reptile that is only mildly affected by metabolic bone disease will usually completely recover with dietary improvements, calcium and vitamin D supplements, and greater access to full-spectrum ultraviolet light.
Can you cure metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
Treatment of MBD depends on the severity of the disease. For very mild cases, a switch to a balanced diet and proper husbandry may be enough. Severe cases require intensive calcium and vitamin supplementation as well as an increase in high-intensity UVB rays under an exotics veterinarian’s care.
Can metabolic bone disease in bearded dragons be cured?
Treatment and Prognosis Fortunately, if detected early enough, MBD can often be corrected and reversed through making changes and improvements to the husbandry of the animal by providing the needed or adequate levels of UV-A and UV-B lighting and heating, proper supplementation, and other nutrients.
Can a lizard recover from metabolic bone disease?
Reptiles affected generally respond well to treatment, and a large proportion of patients see a reversal of many of the less severe symptoms and are able to make a solid recovery. For more extreme cases, complete reversal of symptoms is unlikely, but recovery may still be possible with veterinary intervention.
Is metabolic bone disease painful for bearded dragons?
Also called nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism or fibrous osteodystrophy, MBD is a fairly common affliction in beardies, and one that is not only very painful for your pet, but can also be life-threatening.
What causes metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
Metabolic bone disease (MBD), often seen in herbivorous lizards and chelonians, is associated with a dietary deficiency of Ca, a negative calcium–phosphorus ratio in the diet, or a lack of exposure to ultraviolet UVB radiation (Boyer, 1996a; Barten, 1993). Metabolic bone disease is commonly seen in juvenile reptiles.
Is MBD painful for bearded dragons?
What do I do if my bearded dragon has metabolic bone disease?
Metabolic bone disease usually requires immediate oral calcium supplementation, rehydration with fluids, nutritional support, treatment with injectable vitamin D3, and injections of calcitonin (a drug which helps re-deposit calcium back into bearded dragons’ bones).
How do I stop my bearded dragon from getting MBD?
While MBD is one of the most common illnesses we see in beardies, it’s also one of the most preventable. Simply making sure that your tiny dinosaur is eating a good nourishing diet, and ensuring that he has the proper lighting in his habitat, will usually be enough to ward off this painful and debilitating disease.
Can metabolic bone disease be prevented in reptiles?
Metabolic Bone Disease in Reptiles. MBD is almost always a result of poor husbandry but it is also generally preventable by providing a proper environment and diet specific for your type of reptile. This is not always easy or inexpensive for a reptile owner to do but is vital to the health of all pet reptiles.
What should I do if my reptile has a broken bone?
If a reptile is suffering from broken bones as a result of metabolic bone disease, splints or other forms of stabilization may be necessary. Reptile owners must pay close attention to their pets’ diet and environmental conditions if metabolic bone disease is to be avoided.
What is the best diet for a reptile with bone disease?
Causes of Metabolic Bone Disease. Therefore the 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus is ideal in your reptile’s diet but calcium metabolism is not that simple. Vitamin D (especially D3) is also vital to calcium metabolism and because some reptiles do not absorb vitamin D that well (much like humans) they need ultraviolet light exposure…
What are the treatment options for metabolic bone disease?
The following are important in both prevention and treatment of metabolic bone disease: A diet balanced in calcium and phosphorus, protein, energy and other nutrients. Exposure to UVA/UVB invisible light rays. Proper heat gradients (day and night) Proper light/dark cycles. Adequate enclosure and/or room to exercise.