How cold is Udaipur in January?
The average weather in Udaipur in January Udaipur in January is experiencing low temperatures as 50°F and high of 71°F. Udaipur is going to be cold and wet in the month of January. Expect low temperatures and a few days of rain, so be sure to bundle up to avoid catching a cold.
Is January good time to visit Udaipur?
The best time to visit Udaipur is between the months of September and March. These months constitute the winter season in Udaipur. The maximum temperature during this time does not go beyond 30 degree Celsius and the minimum hovers around 12 degree Celsius.
What was the temperature last night in Udaipur?
Past 24 Hours Weather Data | |
Maximum Temp(oC) (Recorded on 21/02/22) | 31.8 |
Minimum Temp (oC) (Recorded. on 22/02/22) | 13.1 |
Departure from Normal(oC) | 3 |
24 Hours Rainfall (mm) (Recorded from 0830 hrs IST of yesterday to 0830 hrs IST of today) | NIL |
What should I wear in Udaipur in January?
Hi again, During the day, it will be t-shirt weather. At night time, you will most likely need a long sleeved top or light sweater in these towns when you are walking around or out in the restaurants. Layering clothes is a good idea.
Which season is best for Udaipur?
winter season
The best time to visit Udaipur is the winter season. The temperature remains comfortable and is apt for visiting the monuments and other places of interest in Udaipur. The best months to visit are September, October, November, December, February and March.
How many days is sufficient for Udaipur?
You should plan for a minimum of 2 Nights & 3 Days at Udaipur. You could extend further by planning excursions to Chittaurgarh or Mount Abu. 2.
Can I visit Udaipur now?
You now require a negative COVID-19 test result to get a hotel room in Udaipur. One of Rajasthan’s most important tourist destinations, Udaipur, has now implemented a new rule for tourists visiting the city. Not only airports, but railay stations, and bus stands will also be closely monitored in the city.
Is Udaipur hot in May?
The hottest month of the year in Udaipur is May, with an average high of 104°F and low of 75°F. The cool season lasts for 2.4 months, from December 3 to February 13, with an average daily high temperature below 83°F.